jean-christophe lanquetin

  • scenographer


JC Lanquetin is an artist and scenographer. Dance: he has worked in Kinshasa, with Faustin Linyekula for "Spectacularly Empty I & II", then from 2005 in Nairobi, with Opiyo Okach for the creation and touring of "Shift / Centre" (Nairobi, Limoges, Caen, Orléans, Bastia, Johannesburg, Durban, Maputo, Rio de Janeiro, Girona, Halle, London...). In 2006 he directed in Maputo staging a show of Augusto Cuvilas choreographer Mozambique, "El tango de la muerte". He is currently working with Boyzie Cekwana, Andreya Ouamba as well as Opiyo Okach on "Territories in transgression" a long-term process. A new project is in preparation with Faustin Linyekula at Ballet de Nancy (creation at Kunsten festival, Brussels 2012).

With director Philip Boulay, he staged several pieces of Bernard-Marie Koltes, "Tabataba" in 2003, presented in the neighborhoods of Kinshasa, and in August 2006 in Paris District Summer Festival and Salvador de Bahia in 2009 "The night just before the forests" in Ankara with the Turkish National Theatre, "In the Solitude of Cotton Fields" (Blanc Mesnil, Ankara, Istanbul, Lisbon, Maputo 2004/2006) and "Roberto Zucco" (Kinshasa Ouagadougou, Niamey, Blanc Mesnil 2004/2006) with an artistic team from Kinshasa. Philip Boulay also Top Dog Under Dog, Susan Lorie Parks (Athénée, Paris 2007), and again Koltès, in the context of the Year of France in Brazil: Fight negro and dogs (Salvador de Bahia, August 2009). He has also done theatre projects with François Abou Salem, Danielle Bre Hanan Kassab Hassan (Syrian stage director), Alexis Forest (the Sunday best), Clyde Chabot, Barbara Boulay... And recently with Guy Régis Junior, writer and director Haiti (Me burden inherent Tarmac de la Villette, Paris 2010) and Catherine Boskowitz (The Last Interview, Genet, Confluence 2010).

Between 1999 and 2002, he designed and built the Theatre Backpackers Eyala of Pena, with artists Kapsiki Circle & Manu Duro. This project in Douala (Cameroon, seals the meeting with the artists Kapsiki Circle and lead to the foundation of the collective ScU2 with Francois Duconseille December 2002 and the organization of the first Urban Scenographies Douala. 3 other homes Scénos Urban took place in Alexandria (with Gudran 2004), Kinshasa (with Kapsiki Circle in 2006) and Johannesburg (with The Joubert Park Project in 2009). ScU2 mounted a fifth residence, virtual, this time in Belleville (Paris), published in May 2011 by the journal Delivery. Exhibitions / installations Scénos Urban took place in Joburg Artfair 2009, Paris Villette, Focus09 Artfair in Basel in 2009 and 2010, the theater of Link (Strasbourg) in 2010 ... Dakart A new Urban Scéno is in preparation (Dakar 2012).

Many of his projects are between staging and installation: in 2003, he designed the Caravan Africalia, "village", based mobile containers which runs four months twelve cities of Belgium. In 2009 and 2011, still based containers, the scenography of the Biennale ADCNI at the meeting. Other projects between scenography and installation were performed with the Atelier du Plateau, the Théâtre Paris Villette, the DEAF festival (Roterdam) ... Artist in residence at the Bag Factory (Johannesburg October-December 2005), he shows an installation "The relationship with the viewer is the object" and a performance "in Kliptown mikilist" in Kliptown (Playtime Festival, Soweto ), then the Drill Hall around the exhibition Picasso & Africa (March 2006). Performance "mikilistes" will be included in a new version of "Where are u from?" New Delhi in 2008 under KhojLive festival performance.

Between 2006 and 2009, he led a working photo and installation around the "undermining" Kinshasa. The photos were exhibited in large format PROGR, Contemporary Art Centre of Berne during the festival "Black Africa", in nov06 in the street in Kinshasa during urban scénos 2006, in April 2008 during a residency in Johannesburg (Joubert Park Project - Commissioner Dorothy & Athi Patra Ruga Kreutzfeldt). Finally fev2011 Karachi (Spark & Amin Gulgee gallery). Text on this project was published in 2009 in "African Cities Reader" (Chimurenga magazine) in & Lines (Kudzanai Chiurai & Goodman Gallery - Joburg).

Education is another constant. In addition to numerous workshops around the world, Jean-Christophe has taught since 1994 at the École Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg, workshop Scenography (founded and developed with Duconseille F.). In this context, it was originally, in 2004, the partnership between the Academy of Fine Arts in Kinshasa and ESADS that allows the exchange of teachers and students and projects between the two structures. He also participated in 2004 in the symposium "But where are the spectators?", A co-production with Théâtre du Link, published as a book in the journal Movement. He is currently working on the establishment of a master's program "Urban Games" on the links between art, scenography and urban space.