Wednesday 19th September
Nadège and Jean-Luc do not have projects, Catherine and Jack decided after a time of reflection on Friday.
Note: It seems to me that some of the participants do not distinguish between the idea and the project. They do not take the time to research and are not curious enough to interrogate their ideas towards the elaboration of projects. Some do not know what they want to address to the audience/an audience, there is confusion between having an idea and imagining we have an idea ... for others, there is already an implementation of an embryonic choreographic work but the processes are confused.
It seemed necessary to create two groups in which participants were sometimes performers sometimes choreographers in order that the multiplicity of skills and elaboration of ideas for projects and their development be the focus of exchange and reflection. Conditions not being conducive - studio not available, participant arriving one after the other, I tried to set up a functioning that would be beneficial to all in the understanding of my proposals and theirs. The ideas not being clear the propositions served as 'basis of reflection' questioning; to whom are the participants addressing themselves today? What are their real desires regarding their practice / mode of expression, what do they expect? What does it mean to dance? Play for them? What sense has the movement? To be in representation, what does that evoke for them? How do they treat their ideas?
Workshops this week have been directly related to the problems encountered during the presentations of materials related to projects / ideas.
For the second week feedback was done the day after at the end of the morning workshops to see what was retained of work seen the previous day. The redundant modes of fabrication were the choreographic writing and composition, often linear and frontal, the use of the stage space was hardly reflected and audience address not integrated, the process was often led in groups, participants had difficulty taking in charge their projects and defend their points of view.
Rediscover poetry, working on a poem that he started but did not complete, the choice is to start the process from phrase.
working on a poem based on an improvisation he put it on the net following which he received the response of a French author who offered him a text. He then translated the text in his native language and began to compose an alphabet; the process of this project is under way since 2011.
Work on the idea of fate, incidents and accidents that happen to us, they ask the question of how to proceed when one has lost a loved one... they have both experienced the same loss at the same time...
Exploration about money and its value, idea of exchange, from food to money.
Wants to work on the mask - what we show of ourselves in relation to what we are
His idea is desire or more accurately traces of desire (trio with a musician)
The totem, the tree, "Bissan" (trio)
The black veil, the place of women in Mungiki - Kenyan ethnic cult group. The fact they are not visible and remain behind men; their power of decision-making is limited to daily chores and taking care of children
Working on his, or more exactly, the influence of sound on the body, according to the different origins and nature of the sounds.
An image, a movement sequence, press headlines, the power of the media over people
The concept of worship in relation to religion and disco....
From innocence to corruption
The inner voice and the voice outside.